Product Details

CB 505-71-12

GEA Westfalia Separator

Type: CB 505-71-12

Manufacturer: GEA Westfalia Separator

Description: Two-Phase-Decanters

Bowl diameter: 500

Bowl design: Flat angle design

L/D ratio: Extended

Housing design: Varipond

Liquid discharge: Gravity discharge of heavy phase, light phase under pressure

Type of drive: V-belt drive with clutch

Type of conveyor drive: 2 gear drive

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Send us an inquiry for this machine: CB 505-71-12

Machine inquiry +49(0)2236-393530
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Your advantages

  • Over 60 years of experience
  • Remanufacturing (factory rebuilt)
  • PLC-based control system
  • First class quality
  • Inhouse test laboratory
  • Savings up to 70%
  • Commissioning/process integration
  • Centrimax warranty
  • After sales service
  • Manufacturer-independent

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