GEA Westfalia Separator

Centrimax - Winkelhorst Trenntechnik GmbH (Inc.) supplies refurbished centrifugal separators, decanter centrifuges, rotary brush strainers, defoaming pumps, etc., of the GEA Westfalia Separator brand.

The separators and decanters supplied by the GEA Westfalia Separator Company (having its registered office (corporate domicile) in Westphalia, Germany) with Westphalian thoroughness are well known for their reliability.

The Company was formed in 1893 in Oelde, Germany and is operational on a worldwide basis, and is one of the worldwide leaders for centrifugal separating techniques by means of centrifugal separators and centrifugal decanters.

Already used separators and decanters are subjected to a general overhaul at Centrimax and then coupled to a new PLC control facility. This ensures the obtaining of a high degree of reliability (operational safety and long service life) and the centrifuges can then be integrated without difficulty into existing production runs.

Before delivery to the customer, the centrifuges are subjected to detailed test-bench running and then supplied with a mechanical warranty.

The Centrimax range of equipment also includes the following GEA Westfalia Separator centrifuges:

Separators from GEA Westfalia Separator

Self-cleaning disc stack centrifuges

Whilst the drum is turning, the processed fluid flows into a plate inset. The fluid is then separated into thin layers. This shortens the discharge passage for the small solid particles. These are projected against the underside of the plate and then slip down into the solids’ reception tank of the drum. Once sufficient solids have accumulated in the drum, a hydraulically operated piston-driven slide is operated. This exposes apertures in the drum through which the solids are discharged by means of centrifugal force. The opening and closing of the drum takes place in GEA Separators at full revolution speeds.

Solid-wall disc stack centrifuges

Separators of this type clarify or separate fluids and discharge the solids at the same time. The proportion of solids is slight because the drum has to be opened as soon as solids’ reception tank is full. The accumulated solids are then removed by hand. The advantages of this type of equipment are the simple operation, simple servicing and maintenance, the low power consumption and the economic start-off price, in contrast to self de-sludgers.

Nozzle separator

Nozzle separators produced by the GEA Westfalia Separator Company discharges the separated solids as a concentrate on a continuous basis and processes the fluids with a relatively high proportion of solids included, but at a greater throughput capacity.

Chamber separator

Chamber separators produced by GEA Westfalia Separator is primarily employed for the quantitative yield of valuable solids from fluids. They possess a large sludge chamber. For this reason, this type of separator is preferred as a pre-clarifier in advance of other subsequent processes.

Decanter centrifuges from GEA Westfalia Separator

Decanter centrifuges from GEA Westfalia Separator Group are able to discharge solids from suspensions to a high degree of desiccation for purposes of concentrating, rinsing, classifying and clarifying.

Clarifier-decanter (2-phase decanter)

Separator-decanter (3-phase decanter)

Other types of equipment from GEA Westfalia Separator

Rotary brush strainers

Prior straining by rotary brush strainers separate the mass somewhat before being processed later by separator equipment and this alleviates undue strain on the subsequent process. The more coarse solids are thereby removed from the stream of the fluid.

Defoaming pumps

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